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Increasing Furnace Efficiency In Your Home

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Winter is in full swing and that means so is your home heating system. This is your furnace’s busy-season, and boy is it busy. As the snow begins to fall, the last thing you want is to encounter a heating malfunction or insufficient climate control throughout your home. That’s why we here at Centennial Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, and Electrical are providing you with the tools you need to ensure your home heating system is running as efficiently as possible.

This will ensure your heating system is not costing you in excess, and that your networks are properly maintained. Here’s how to get your home ready for the cool weather, so your evening movie and hot cocoa is left uninterrupted by breakdown or malfunction:

Evaluate The State Of Your Insulation

Your home insulation plays a key role in the effectiveness of your home heating efforts. If your insulation fails, so will your comfort. So, it is extremely important that you understand the state and condition of your insulation. Poor insulation will lead to less than adequate heating, as your space will be unable to retain your desired temperature. This will cause your system to run consecutive heating cycles, as it will become increasingly difficult to stabilize your climate. If you are noticing that your input temperature is not being achieved, your insulation may be at fault.

If your in-wall insulation is deteriorating, you will notice cool spots and drafts in your home. This alone can lead to a drop of 25% in your heating efficiency. Check around your windows and doors for visible cracks around the sealing of these frames, as this can lead to additional air leaks.

Air leaks are the leading cause of inefficient heating, so it is best to address any noticeable signs of heat loss as soon as detected. Apply caulking and weatherstripping where appropriate to re-seal your home around your windows and doors. Have your in-wall insulation inspected by a professional to determine the effectiveness of your existing protection.

Install A Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostat technology will optimize your heating so that it only runs when you use it most! This keeps your heating costs low and comfort levels sustained! With a programmable thermostat, you will be able to set your heating schedule to automatically adjust based on your work and sleep schedules. And it will do so without the need for any adjustments on your part!

This reduces any operation disruption from frequent thermostat interfacing, which inherently requires more power, as each time you change the temperature, a new heating cycle must begin. You’ll enjoy better heating and lower utility costs by allowing this technology to do the work for you!

Lower Your Temperature

To reduce energy consumption, lower your indoor temperature to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This alone can save you almost 10% on your heating costs! If this is too cold for your personal comfort, try increasing your temperature by one degree until you find your ideal setting. Every degree matters when it comes to energy savings!

For your home heating repairs, replacement, and installations, contact Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical at (306) 500-7392! Don’t leave your home subject to unsatisfactory heating. Simply give us a call!
