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Spring Checklist for Your HVAC System

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HVAC Maintenance Checklist

As the days grow longer and the weather starts to warm up, it’s time to think about spring preparations. For your HVAC system, that means scheduling inspections, making necessary repairs, and cleaning and switching filters regularly to filter out allergens.

Here is a comprehensive checklist of everything you need to do to get your HVAC system ready for spring!

Clean Around the Unit

During the winter, while the grass isn't as green and you're not seeing much growth, tree limbs, dirt, grime, and other types of debris can still accumulate around your unit.

Trim back any tree limbs or shrubs within 10 feet of your unit. This will give your HVAC system the space it needs to function properly and prevent any future damage.

Next, using a garden hose, clean off the exterior of your unit. Be sure to remove any dirt, grime, or leaves accumulated over the winter months.

It's also important to clear away any debris that might have blown into the vents on the side of your house. This will ensure that air flows freely into your HVAC system and improve its overall efficiency.

Remove Outdoor AC Covers

Some homeowners opt to cover their AC units in the winter since they don't use them to keep dirt and debris from entering the AC. If you have an outdoor AC unit, you'll need to remove the cover before turning it on for the season. Leaving the cover on will prevent enough air from being able to flow through the unit and into your home.

Test Your Air Conditioning Unit

After removing the cover from your outdoor AC unit, it's time to give it a test run. Turn on your unit and let it run for a few minutes to ensure that everything is working properly.

If you notice any strange noises or smells, turn off your unit and call a professional HVAC technician right away. These could be signs of a bigger problem that needs to be fixed before using your AC unit for the season.

Clean Your Ductwork

Another way to improve indoor air quality and keep your HVAC system running smoothly is to clean your ductwork. Over time, dust, pollen, pet dander, and other particles can build up in your ducts and be throughout your home.

Consider hiring a professional duct cleaner to clean your ductwork for you. This will help improve your HVAC system's efficiency and also lower your energy bills.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

If you own an older thermostat, then your unit may have a hard time keeping up and keeping your home cool in the spring and summer. Consider getting an upgrade and installing a programmable thermostat.

This will allow you to set the temperature in your home according to your schedule and needs, rather than having to remember to adjust it every day. Programmable thermostats can also save you money on your energy bills!

Switch Filters Regularly

One of the best ways to keep your HVAC system running efficiently is to switch out the filters regularly. Depending on the type of filter you have, you should be switching it out every month or two.

If you have allergies or asthma, it's especially important to use high-quality filters that can filter out allergens and other particles from the air. This will help you breathe easier and keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

Schedule a Professional Tune-Up

A professional tune-up will help discover and prevent issues from happening with your HVAC system. A tune-up helps with the moving parts of your unit, as well as the electrical connections to make sure they're in their best condition.

Here's how a tune-up can help:

  • Reduces breakdowns.
  • Improves indoor air quality.
  • Lowers energy bills.
  • Improves overall efficiency.
  • Takes advantage of manufacturer warranties.

It's important to schedule a tune-up at least once a year, and it's especially crucial before the start of spring and summer.

Get HVAC Maintenance this Spring with Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical

Looking for HVAC maintenance this spring? Look no further than Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical! We offer a variety of HVAC services to help keep your system running smoothly all year long. Schedule a service today and give us a call at (306) 500-7392!
